
Create Temporary User and Restrict Permissions

Use the Synaccess Cloud Web Interface to create temporary users with select permissions

PDUs require internet connection and basic setup before you can use the API for outlet control. Use this guide to get setup if you haven't already.

Admin Users

Connect PDUs to Synaccess Cloud by logging in to a pre-registered user through PDU web interfaces. More info here: Connect A SynLink PDU

Users that have been connected through this way are considered the administrator for this PDU on the Synaccess Cloud.

Temporary Users

Administrator Users may create temporary users with their own logins to access select PDU functionality. Administrator Users can create signup links for temporary users to set their own password, or preset passwords for their temporary users.

Available permissions for temporary users include:

  • Limiting temporary users to viewing select outlets
  • Limiting temporary users to modifying select outlet configuration/states
  • Limiting temporary users to viewing select inlet info
  • Limiting temporary users to viewing select bank info
  • Limiting temporary users to viewing long term data
  • Limiting temporary users to viewing select devices & device information
  • Revoking user access