

Configuration endpoint represents all network configuration, and other global configurations.

Configuration Object

  "hostName": "SynLink",
  "macAddr": "3A:D2:21:D3:82:45",
  "webPort": 80,
  "webSslPort": 443,
  "telnetPort": 23,
  "sshPort": 22,
  "ipAssign": "static",
  "globalRebootTime": 5,
  "webEnabled": true,
  "webSslEnabled": true,
  "webRedirectHttp": false,
  "customSslCertEnabled": false,
  "telnetEnabled": true,
  "sshEnabled": true,
  "subnetMask": "",
  "gatewayIp": "",
  "staticIp": "",
  "primaryDns": "",
  "secondaryDns": "",
  "ntpEnabled": true,
  "ntpHost": "pool.ntp.org",
  "disableSshPassLogin": false,
  "disableSshKeyLogin": false,
  "sshIdleTimeout": 0,
  "webIdleTimeout": 0,
  "webMaxUsers": 0,
  "deviceSequentialPowerUpDelay": 3,
  "webApiPasswordEnabled": false,
  "smtpServer": "",
  "smtpPort": 0,
  "smtpTlsEnabled": 0,
  "smtpAuthRequired": 0,
  "smtpUsername": "",
  "syslogServerIp": "",
  "smtpPassword": "",
  "snmpv12Enabled": true,
  "snmpv12ReadString": "public",
  "snmpv12WriteString": "private",
  "snmp3AuthPass": "examplepassword",
  "snmp3PrivacyPass": "exampleprivacypass",
  "snmp3TrapAuthProtocol": "SHA",
  "snmp3TrapPrivacyProtocol": "AES",
  "snmp3TrapSecurity": "authPriv",
  "deviceName": "SynLink PDU",
  "lcdOrientation": 90,
  "lcdScreensaverTimeout": 60,
  "lcdBacklightBrightness": 2,
  "lcdScreensaverType": "power_info",
  "lcdBackgroundColor": "black",
  "lcdOutletControlEnabled": true,
  "lcdNetworkControlEnabled": true,
  "portAMode": "sensor",
  "portAComBaud": 115200,
  "portAModemBaud": 115200,
  "usbComBaud": 115200,
  "daylightsavings": true,
  "timezone": "GMT+8",
  "customSslCertExists": false,
  "customSslKeyExists": false

Device Settings

  "deviceName": "Name for device not host name",
  "globalRebootTime": 5
deviceNamestringName for this PDU. Separate from hostname
globalRebootTimenumberNumber of seconds the outlet is flipped before flipping back on a power cycle

IP Settings

  "macAddr": "80:1F:12:41:ED:28",
  "ipAssign": "dhcp",
  "staticIp": "",
  "subnetMask": "",
  "gatewayIp": "",
  "primaryDns": "",
  "secondaryDns": "",
  "hostName": "SP-3001CA-HA",

macAddrstringMac address string for network interface card
ipAssignstringEither "dhcp" or "static" are valid strings. DHCP assignment will show IP through dhcpAssignedIp. Static IP is set with staticIp
staticIpstringIP Address that the PDU will respond to if ipAssign is set to "static"
subnetMaskstringSubnet Mask that divides IP address into network address and host address
gatewayIpstringIP Address of device on network which sends local network traffic to other networks
primaryDnsstringIP Address of Primary DNS Server
secondaryDnsstringIP Address of Secondary DNS Server
hostNamestringLabel assigned to network connected device

The following attributes only apply when "ip_assign" is set to dhcp and a DHCP address has been properly assigned.

dhcpAssignedIpstringIP Address assigned by DHCP server. Only available is ipAssign is "dhcp"
dhcpPrimaryDnsstringPrimary DNS assigned by DHCP server. Only available is ipAssign is "dhcp"
dhcpSecondaryDnsstringSecondary DNS by DHCP server. Only available is ipAssign is "dhcp"
dhcpGatewayIpstringGateway IP assigned by DHCP server. Only available is ipAssign is "dhcp"
dhcpSubnetMaskstringSubnet Mask assigned by DHCP server. Only available is ipAssign is "dhcp"

Web Settings

  "webEnabled": true,
  "webPort": 80,
  "webRedirectHttp": true,
  "webSslEnabled": true,
  "webSslPort": 443,
  "webApiPasswordEnabled": false,
  "customSslCertEnabled": false,
  "customSslCertExists": false,
  "customSslKeyExists": false
webEnabledbooleanTurns on or off Webserver
webPortnumberPort to reach Webserver. Default port is 80
webRedirectHttpbooleanIf true then any requests to http will be redirected to https
webSslEnabledbooleanEnables web server on HTTPS. Uses webSslPort port
webSslPortnumberPort to reach HTTPS webserver. Default port is 443
webApiPasswordEnabledbooleanEnable or disable username-password access with every HTTP call. WARNING: Insecure
customSslCertEnabledbooleanSet to true to use custom ssl cert and key instead of default. Requires customSslCertExists and customSslKeyExists to be true
customSslCertExistsbooleantrue if user has successfully uploaded an SSL Certificate
customSslKeyExistsbooleantrue if user has successfully uploaded an SSL Key

SSH Settings

  "sshEnabled": true,
  "sshPort": 23,
  "disableSshPassLogin": false,
  "disableSshKeyLogin": false,
  "sshIdleTimeout": 0,
sshEnabledbooleanTurns on or off SSH Server
sshPortnumberPort to reach SSH Server. Default port is 22
disableSshPassLoginbooleanDisable or enable password based logins
disableSshKeyLoginbooleanDisable or enable key based logins
sshIdleTimeoutnumberNumber of seconds before SSH server auto disconnects from idle connection

Telnet Settings

  "telnetEnabled": true,
  "telnetPort": 23,
telnetEnabledbooleanTurns on or off Telnet Server
telnetPortnumberPort to reach Telnet Server. Default port is 23

SNMP Settings

  "snmpv12enabled": true,
  "snmpv12ReadString": "example_read_string",
  "snmpv12WriteString": "example_write_string",
  "snmpv3Enable": true,
  "snmpSysContact": "[email protected]",
  "snmpSysName": "SP-3001CA-HA",
  "snmpSysLocation": "Rack #4",
  "snmp3AuthPass": "examplepassword",
  "snmp3PrivacyPass": "exampleprivacypass",
  "snmp3TrapAuthProtocol": "SHA",
  "snmp3TrapPrivacyProtocol": "AES",
  "snmp3TrapSecurity": "authPriv"

snmpv12enabledbooleanEnable or disables SNMP v1/v2c agent.
snmpv12ReadStringstringPassphrase for reading from agent SNMP 1/v2c
snmpv12WriteStringstringPassphrase for writing to agent SNMP 1/v2c
snmpSysContactstringPrimary contact for PDU SNMP node
snmpSysNamestringAssigned name for PDU SNMP node
snmpSysLocationstringPhysical location for PDU SNMP node
snmp3AuthPassstringAuth Pass for SNMPv3 Traps. Minimum 8 characters
snmp3PrivacyPassstringPrivacy Pass for SNMPv3 Traps. Minimum 8 characters
snmp3TrapAuthProtocolstringType of auth protocol options: "MD5" or "SHA"
snmp3TrapPrivacyProtocolstringType of privacy protocol options: "DES" or "AES"
snmp3TrapSecuritystringOptions: "authPriv", "authNoPriv", "noAuthNoPriv"

SMTP Settings

  "smtpServer": "smtp.gmail.com",
  "smtpPort": 465,
  "smtpTlsEnabled": true,
  "smtpAuthRequired": true,
  "smtpUsername": "example_username",
  "smtpPassword": "example_password"
smtpServerstringIP/Domain name for SMTP server
smtpPortnumberPort to reach SMTP Server
smtpTlsEnabledbooleanEnable or disable TLS Authentication
smtpAuthRequiredbooleanEnable or disable passing authentication with SMTP messages.
smtpUsernamestringUsername for SMTP authentication
smtpPasswordstringPassword for SMTP authentication

NTP & Time Settings

  "ntpEnabled": true,
  "ntpHost": "pool.ntp.org",
  "daylightsavings": false,
  "timeZone": "GMT+8"
ntpEnabledbooleanTurns on or off NTP time synchronization. Requires network connection
ntpHoststringNTP Host URL/IP to reference for time synchronization
daylightsavingsbooleanEnable or disable day light savings adjustment
timezonestringFormat: GMTXXX where XXX is between -12 to +12 for timezone offsets from GMT. Ex: GMT+8 for PST

Remote Syslog Settings

  "syslogServerIp": "",
syslogServerIpstringSeting remote syslog server IP to send syslog messages
enableRemoteUserLoggingbooleanEnable or disable sending user activity logs to syslogServerIp
enableRemoteEventLoggingbooleanEnable or disable sending configured event triggers to syslogServerIp

LCD Front Panel Settings

  "lcdOrientation": 90,
  "lcdScreensaverTimeout": 60,
  "lcdBacklightBrightness": 2,
  "lcdScreensaverType": "power_info",
  "lcdBackgroundColor": "black",
  "lcdOutletControlEnabled": true,
  "lcdNetworkControlEnabled": true,

lcdOutletControlEnabledbooleanAllow controlling of outlet relays (if applicable) through front panel LCD
lcdNetworkControlEnabledbooleanAllow changing of IP assignment/Address through front panel LCD
lcdRebootControlEnabledbooleanAllows user to reboot the control module from the LCD interface (outlet states are unchanged)
lcdFlushControlEnabledbooleanAllows user to flush logs and issue a graceful shutdown
lcdOrientationnumberDegrees to rotate screen. Options are 0, 90, 180, or 270
lcdBacklightBrightnessstringValue between 0 and 7. 7 is brightest.
lcdScreensaverTimeoutnumberNumber of seconds before screensaver plays
lcdScreensaverTypestringScreensaver type. Options vary for each model.
lcdBackgroundColorstringOptions: black, navy, blue, teal, magenta, gray, maroon, purple, green, orange, navy, olive

Port Settings

Port A can switch between Modem Mode, COM mode, and Sensor Mode. This port cannot be multiple modes at the same time.

COM mode will allow a serial connection to the SynLink Command Line Interface.

Sensor mode allows useage with sensor accessories.

Modem mode provides out of band access to a connected serial device, such as a modem. For example: connect a modem's serial port to the Port A serial port set to modem mode. Then from the SynLink CLI, use command "modem connect". You will now be able to use the modem's serial port.

  "portAMode": "sensor",
  "portAComBaud": 115200,
  "portAModemBaud": 115200,
  "usbComBaud": 115200,
portAModestringOptions are: "sensor", "com", and "modem". COM will enable port for serial access. Modem will remote access to connected serial device.
portAModemBaudnumberBaud rate for RJ45 modem port for MODEM mode. Options are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
portAComBaudnumberBaud rate for RJ45 modem port for COM mode. Options are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
usbModemBaudnumberBaud rate for USB Port when a serial device is connected. Options are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
usbComBaudnumberBaud rate for USB-serial port labeled "COM". Options are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
usbFwupdateControlEnabledbooleanEnable or Disable Power Sharing for Controller Power Redundancy
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